Instant Gratification vs Long Term Investment for Your Tech Devices
We live in a world where instant gratification is sought constantly and so technology manufacturers where more than willing to assist the consumer by providing easy access to new technology which changes every 6 months or so. Whether its a new iPhone or Android phone to likes in Instagram and Facebook, everything has a shorter and shorter lifespan.
We all love technology and can appreciate the technological advancements and the fact that we have access to said technology advancements but isn't the price we pay a bit high?
Apple and Samsung churn out a new phone model every 6 months with incremental upgrades. Any persons first reaction would be to think about buying that new phone because we all love new toys and because it's cool to own the latest and greatest piece of technology.
There is however another way of looking at this: if I buy the new iPhone X or Samsung S8 today I expect it to last at least at least 3 years and for it to serve me well those 3 years without me worrying about battery life or the technology becoming obsolete. But is this possible in today's world?
Sure I love technology and playing with the latest toy but shouldn't we think about making a long term investment as well? Instead of buying a new phone every year, the money saved could go towards financing a house or a car or a college fund, something bigger and more long term.
It all comes down to everyone budget and priorities and there is no good or bad choice but it may be worth thinking about the long term whenever you buy your next piece of technology.
Thank you for reading.
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