Iron Fist Season 2: Underrated or Maybe Just Not there Yet?

It's like a very slow and deep meditation. It's not for everybody,
it's boring and it takes a long time to master. It's more than the
super hero action TV-show we're used to consume like gorging on steak
and chocolate cake.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not hating on
steak and chocolate cake here, I'm only saying vegan food can taste
great as well but you need time adjust to the change.
So do you need to be vegan to like Iron
Fist Season 2? No... but you do need a lot of patince and a very open
mind and even then, you might not get blown away.
This season touches on mental health,
family problems, addiction but also how to overcome adversity which
is not always by working on the body but also mastering your spirit,
your mind, your chi (qi).
It's good but it's a riddle within a
riddle, it takes patience and it's not for everyone. You may want to
take your time with this one, I wouldn't recommend binging, instead
give it time so you can take it all in.
Even though the Internet is full of bad
reviews I think it was quite nice and I think Season 3 is going to be
even better.
Ok enough with my ramblings, what do
you think about Iron Fist season 2?
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